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Chalk the door – An Epiphany Blessing
20 + C + M + B + 25

This year we invite you to take part in the old tradition of ‘chalking the door’ to celebrate Epiphany – the day marks the arrival of the Magi, to the place where Jesus was born. This year Epiphany will be celebrated on Monday 6th January, the 12th day of Christmas.

What is chalking of the door?

This is a sign and symbol asking Gods blessing upon those who live, work or visit throughout the year to come. Using some chalk write on the outside of your house or inside above the front main entrance:

20 + C + M + B + 25

The letters come from the traditional names for The Three Kings, Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar. It is also an abbreviation for “Christus Mansionem Benedicat” which means “May Christ bless this dwelling”. The numbers simply refer to the current year.

St Mary Magdalene is a NUT FREE school.

Please do not send in any nut products or products that may contain nuts into school for your child's lunch as we have several children with serious nut allergies.

Our Mission Statement “Growing Together in Faith & Love” is evident from the moment anyone enters our school.

School's overall attendance for the Autumn Term is 96%

Welcome to St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School

I am proud to welcome you to St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School.  We are a very special community where family, parish and school come together for the benefit of all our children.  Our school community values each and everyone.  We are committed to bringing out the best in all and helping all to fulfil their potential.  Our school mission statement “Growing Together in Faith and Love” is experienced, believed and lived out by all.  We are committed to handing on the Catholic faith and Catholic traditions in a rich warm environment, to enable our pupils to become responsible citizens.

We offer our pupils a broad balanced rich and inspiring curriculum.  Our pupils have many opportunities to live out their beliefs through active work in the wider community and further afield internationally, through charity work.

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    St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School, Ardwell Lane, Greenleys, Milton Keynes, MK12 6AY