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Sites that cover all subjects

  • BBC Bitesize Great for 'how to' guides, videos and games for all subjects! From Monday 20th April 2020, BBC Bitesize will put up new English and Maths lessons, each day and for all age groups. White Rose Maths (link in 'maths sites and games') has lessons to go alongside the BBC maths lessons.

  • Oak National Academy The Oak National Academy is putting up daily lessons for for English, Maths and Foundation lessons for year groups from Reception to year 10.

  • Purple Mash A range of different games and resources that can help with learning! In Purple Mash, on the right, you can see links to daily and weekly activities for all subjects and all age groups!

  • National Geographic Kids A great site for research, also has games and quizzes.

  • CBeebies Games and activities for younger children.