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RE Week


Friday - Miss Piacquadio's Class

Miss Crook's Class - RE Week

Reflective Stories with Chinda Nuttall

Mrs Giffiths' Class

Mr Williams' Class

Mrs Goff's Class

Mrs Sualy's Class

Miss Holland's Class

CAFOD Workshop Mrs Goff & Mrs Sualy's Classes

New Life - Year 5 look at the newly hatched chicks

Prayer Spaces in the Chapel

Refugees - delivered by CAFOD Year 6

Year 6 Art work - Mrs Howell's Class

Thursday - Barnabas Day with Miss Crook's Reception Class

Art work From Reception - Miss Crook

Barnabas Day - Miss Piacquadio's Class

Barnabas Day - Mrs Griffiths Class

The Rosary - Miss Smith's Class

Barnabas Day - Mr Jones Class

Art Work - Mr Jones Class

Year 6 are studying Iconography - During the Month of Mary they have looked at the Mother of God of Compassion Icon and have studied the symbolism of each colour, gesture, form and their meanings.

Year 6 Mrs Howell's Class - Gathering Memories

Images of Mary - continued

Mrs Indries Year 6 - RE Assessment

Year 6 Mrs Indries Class - Art Work

Wednesday Barnabas Day 2 - Miss Smith's Class

The children with their beautiful "Hail Mary" pictures

Barnabas Day - Mrs Sualy's Class

Barnabas Day - Mrs Goff's Class

Creating our Pentecost Wall Hanging

Tuesday - Barnabas Day 1 Year 6

Barnabas Day - Miss Holland's Class

Barnabas Day - Mr Thonet's Class

Art Work - Continued

Mrs Jones with Reception/Year 1 exploring the "Rosary" and acting out the "Hail Mary."

Fr Bernard in the Nursery - telling the story of "David and Goliath."

Monday - Whole School Assembly - Introduced The Lampedusa Cross to the children

Year six ask Fr Bernard "The Big Questions"

Years 5 & 6 Making Images of Mary in papier mache and Celtic crosses in clay using string pattern

Year 4 are looking at the life of Maria Gomez from El Salvador

Year 3 are covering the Story of Fatima

Year 2 - Miss Smith - are making a "Cross of Hands"

Year 2 - Mr Jones Prayers to Our Lady of Fatima

Reception are making beautiful pictures of Our Lady of Fatima

Meditation in the Chapel